Mighty Bright XtraFlex2 Clip-On Light

The Kindle’s display is fantastic for reading in daylight, offering the same contrast ratio as paper. But just like paper, when the lights go down, you’re going to struggle to see the text, even if you’ve been eating your carrots. That’s where this clip-on light comes in handy, offering some targeted LED illumination. Plus, it’s got be better than strapping a flashlight to your forehead.
Amazon Kindle ClearTouch Anti-Glare Screen Protector

Yes, this one’s a bit boring, but what could be worse having to grit your teeth and stare through a big, ugly scratch on your Kindle’s display every time you have a read? ClearTouch Anti-Glare's numerous features enhance your Amazon Kindle's display and provides you with more than protection from scratches!
Leather Kindle Cover

The range of Kindle covers is vast. There are many types of great covers and cases to choose from. There are different types of Kindle cases to suit everybody’s needs and desires. If you are a professional you may want to go for something smart like a genuine leather cover. You can get them in black and brown. If you want to add some color into your sophisticated Kindle case there are also pink, purple, red and green leather cases available. If you’re all about style and fashion then you can get patent leather animal skin designs. You can even get a cover that resembles a clutch handbag! If you’re into natural, earthy accessories you can get a hand woven Kindle case. If you love the outdoors then maybe you would want to go for protective neoprene sleeve or the touring covers which have a handy exterior pocket and a hidden handle making them easier to carry while you’re on the move.
Kindle Car Charger

Here’s another one that falls into the practical category. As the Kindle ships with both a US power adapter and a micro-USB cable for charging up via your PC, your vehicle is the only place you might run into power issues. This useful device promises a rapid charge, won’t overcharge, and comes with a lifetime guarantee, so certainly ticks all the sensible boxes.
There are also other Kindle accessories such as Kindle Sleeve, Kindle Stand and earphones. The Kindle reviews have been outstanding. Yes you have bought the best reading device and with so many Kindle accessories available you can really make your Kindle your own!